CaCE Files | Clap, Clap, Clap your Hands

Here’s something free and easy you can do right now to personally empower the Gala Brand.

Gala Games
Gala Blog Archive


You’re probably thinking, “Gee, I love Gala and I can hardly wait for the full world of Web3 entertainment they’re building! I wish there was something that I could do right now to show my support, but I’m just an ordinary community member.

Whoa, whoa!! There’s nothing ordinary about you, community member. As an early adopter of Web3 in the entertainment industry, you’re about as extraordinary as they come. The masses are on their way, but you got here first. Isn’t that awesome?

Your Quest

The CaCE Squad is here to boost and support this incredible community in any and every way we can, and that includes (in this case) asking for virtual applause.

Did you know that Medium will show our articles to more readers within their platform and introduce more people to Gala Games based on the number of claps on an article?

Your Quest is to clap 50 times for this story (as pictured below) upon completion of reading. A mere 50 clicks or taps shall complete the clapping. You will have directly enhanced the reach of the Gala Games Ecosystem for clicking a few times on an icon of two little hands.

The CaCE Squad would like to challenge everyone in the Gala Games community who appreciates our written content to virtual clap like you’ve never virtual clapped before.

Now that you know about the simplicity and power of clapping for Medium articles, we hope you’ll continue clapping every time we release one. It’s a fantastic way to support the growth of your favorite community. After all, there’s still time to be an early adopter! Don’t forget to clap!

Some Recent CaCE Reading

The Power of Interoperability

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