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Introducing $GALA(v2): A New Era for the Gala Games Ecosystem

On May 15th, $GALA(v2) will be dropped 1:1 to all $GALA holders as the new-and-improved Gala Games ecosystem token

Gala Games
Gala Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2023


As the Gala Games ecosystem continues to grow and evolve, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of GALA(v2) on May 15th. This upgrade to the Ethereum contract for the Gala token brings a host of improvements to the table, including enhanced burn mechanisms, security enhancements, and future upgradeability. With an eye beyond the horizon, our team is dedicated to ensuring GALA and the Gala Games ecosystem remain at the forefront of blockchain technology and usability.

GALA(v2) Token Drop

In anticipation of the GALA(v2) launch, we have made arrangements for all users holding GALA(v1) on Ethereum to automatically receive the new GALA(v2) token in a direct 1:1 token drop. After this drop, GALA(v1) will no longer be supported. Rest assured, we are actively engaging with our exchange partners to facilitate a smooth transition. We have already made contact with the majority of our partners, but we strongly recommend storing your GALA in your personal wallet to ensure that the drop is delivered directly to you.

NOTE: You must remove your GALA from any liquidity pools or smart contracts before the snapshot on May 15th, as we cannot guarantee that GALA dropped to liquidity pool contracts will be recoverable. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

As we approach this exciting milestone, we commit to keeping you informed with regular updates and announcements. Keep an eye on our official channels for the latest information on this monumental shift in the Gala Games ecosystem.

We are committed to supporting our loyal community which has supported us throughout our journey. We envision a bright future for GALA and the projects that will be built upon it. This new era for our GALA paves the way for a prosperous and thriving ecosystem that benefits all participants.

Together, we will embark on this exciting journey, strengthening the Gala Games community and solidifying our place in the world of web3 tech. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements as we draw closer to the launch of GALA(v2). The best is yet to come.

The official Ethereum contract address for GALA(v2) is 0xd1d2Eb1B1e90B638588728b4130137D262C87cae

Important Questions and Answers

I own GALA. Is action required on my part to ensure I receive the GALA (v2) token drop?

No, as long as your GALA is not currently used in any liquidity pools or smart contracts you won’t need to do anything to be eligible.

What can I do with my GALA(v1) after the new token drop?

Absolutely nothing, as it will have no support or usability.

What if my GALA is unminted (in my Treasure Chest)?

Post drop, when TC GALA is redeemed, you will receive GALA(v2).

Is this a bad thing?

Nope, it is a fantastic thing. An upgrade of this magnitude shows the scale of Gala Games’ future, and we’re all better off as a result.

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